Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Turning a Negative in to a Positive

Or don't let the bastards grind you down!

I am fed up.

No, strike that. I am angry.

Feckin furious in fact.

And I am not going to shut up about it.

Last night, amidst a desire for curry and awash in a sea of laziness, my husband and I decided to have a takeaway curry. We have an establishment in our town which is a fine purveyor of the aforementioned food and of which we have been vocal supporters for many years. The phone call was made and the order placed. The husband was dispatched to collect the edible delights. Upon his return, he informed me that two of the restaurant's windows had been smashed by some white men with hammers and that while they were attempting this, they were shouting "Revenge!".

At first I was shocked. Then angry. Then sad. Then despondent. And finally, despairing. Today, I have moved on to furious. These are people. Hardworking people who have owned this restaurant for longer than I have lived in this town (12 years). They are always incredibly welcoming and friendly. They know our names and always ask about my hubby's Dad. I have no idea what religious affiliation they have, if, indeed, they have one at all. And quite frankly, I don't care! I care that they are good people.

Notice I didn't specify their skin colour either. I judge people on their decency, honesty and sweet ass.  But it seems to me that in the aftermath of recent events, people with certain skin colours are going to be targeted by mindless idiots like these as being 'Muslim' and somehow deserving of this kind of treatment.

But then I thought that to give in to this anger and allow it to change something fundamental inside of me was to become the thing  that I hate and that I will not allow. Instead, to look at the current situation and to wrench from it, a feeling of true community; of supporting other humans when they are in need - this would be a success. This could turn the tide and drown out the voices and violence of the Dickhead Trumps and hammer wielding idiots. And all without reacting to violence with violence.

Can I suggest, that we all extend a hand, say hello, frequent the businesses of people that may be feeling the heat of a racist spotlight?

Let's not allow all that we are, all that we have, to deteriorate in to a 1940's style crusade and attempted eradication of a particular group of people. Please, do not sit by and let that happen. Again.

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